Jonathan Walker
Soy un peregrino
I am a pilgrin
Jonathan Walker ss un Investigador en el Depertamento de Historia de la Universidad de Sydney. Es autor de “Pistols! Treason! Murder! (John Hopkins UP 2009) una biografía de un espía veneciano en el siglo diez y siete. Y de “Five Wounds” una novela ilustrada (Allen & Winds, 2010). Trabaja también en un ensayo fotográfico "Let Us Burn the Gondolas: Venice as a Modern City”, una versión de la cual puede ser vista en su página web.
Jonathan Walker is a research fellow in the Department of History at the University of Sydney. He is the author of Pistols! Treason! Murder! (Johns Hopkins UP, 2009), a biography of a seventeenth-century Venetian spy, and Five Wounds, an illustrated novel (Allen & Unwin, 2010, forthcoming). He is also working on a photographic essay, Let Us Burn the Gondolas: Venice as a Modern City, a version of which can be found on his website: www.jonathanwalkervenice.com.