Irish Travellers


   © Photos and Texts: Josepf-Philippe Bevillard

In 2009, I started photographing the Travellers who are an ethnic group at a horse fair in Ireland.

I returned to the horse fair the following year to meet them again and to give them some photos I had taken. They gained my trust and invited me to photograph their families and other clans.

I am intrigued by their nomadic lifestyle so I decided to visit their caravans, halting sites and roadside encampments.

In March 2017, Irish Travellers group have been formally recognized as an ethnic group. Today, they are still facing racism, discrimination, hardship by society and high suicide rates.

Travellers are very proud of their culture. I want to represent these people through my photographs. My goal is to continue to work with these families as well as other members that I encounter, and perhaps let the settled people have more understanding of their unique culture.